Military Equal Opportunity


Equal Opportunity supports mission readiness by ensuring all individuals receive equal opportunity and treatment based only on individual merit, fitness and capability. The Equal Opportunity office provides various human resource services such as third party conflict resolution, equal opportunity assistance information, mediation and helping agency referrals. The Equal Opportunity office also provides formal and informal complaint assistance and processing to all military members, their family members, and retirees, who believe they have experienced unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion and sex. The Equal Opportunity staff provides technical guidance as subject matter experts for higher level complaint processing. EO personnel conduct Unit Climate Assessments for commanders at all levels to assess their organization's equal opportunity and treatment climate. Additionally, training is provided to all military and civilian personnel in a variety of human relations subject matters. 

Department of Defense Policy 

Promote an environment free from personal, social or institutional barriers that prevent Air Force members from rising to the highest level of responsibility possible based on their individual merit, fitness and capability. The Equal Opportunity program is a function of leadership and command based on fairness, equity and justice. 

Air Force Policy 

The Air Force will conduct its affairs free from unlawful discrimination and harassment. It provides equal opportunity and treatment of all its members irrespective of their race, color, religion, national origin, sex, or, in the case of civilian employees, age and handicapping conditions, except as prescribed by statute or policy.