May 2017 Spotlight Airman

  • Published
  • By 175th Wing Public Affairs
  • 175th Wing
Name: Avery Adams
Rank: Airman Basic
Unit: 175th Force Support Squadron
Job Description: Personnel
Fulltime job: Personnel (training)
Hometown: Baltimore, MD
Joined the MDANG: March 22, 2016
Total Service years: 1 Year
Family: Mother, Brother
Favorite Movie: Rush Hour Trilogy, Beverly Hills Cop Trilogy, The Warriors
Favorite food: Ribs
Favorite Sports Team: Buffalo Bills, New York Knicks

Tell us your brief life story?

I was born and raised in Baltimore. I honestly had a great childhood there, no complaints. I then moved to Columbia, Maryland where I attended Oakland Mills High School for four years. I graduated in 2014 and took a break to figure out what I wanted to do with my life.

Tell us about your military career?

My military career almost started with the Navy but something did not sit right with me. I also planned on joining the Maryland Army National Guard but I just knew that was not for me either. Then, I heard about the Maryland Air National Guard and I knew I wanted to join.

What brought you to the MDANG? How have you enjoyed your time here?

Many things pulled me toward the MDANG but before I enlisted I had to meet the weight requirements. I was 285 pounds. Most of that came from my break after high school. I was being lazy, playing video games, and just sitting on the couch everyday but one day I decided do something better with my life. I wanted to do something that would allow me to support my future family. I made my decision over three months, but before I could join I had to lose over 100 pounds. Once I reached the required weight I contacted a recruiter. I was blessed to have SrA Jackson, he really looked out for me in every way and honestly made it possible for me to join; without him I’m not sure if I would be in this branch or the military. Overall, I’ve enjoyed my time here. The people I have met from fellow Airmen through my chain of command have been great. I believe every day is a great day that I am alive. I’m just happy and blessed to be in the Air Guard.

What is your favorite Air Force or military memory or story?

My favorite memory is when I left for basic military training with five other members from the 175th Wing. The other trainees helped me make it through the most drastic changes in my life and I am thankful. During technical school, I met some of my closest friends as well, they guided and kept me focused throughout the personnel training course.

What is your proudest moment?

My proudest moment was getting on the commanders honor roll in technical school at Keesler Air Force Base, Biloxi, Mississippi. It was the best feeling ever. I did not apply myself in high school so to receive an award for something I put effort in was a great feeling.

What are you passionate about?

I’m passionate about living life to the fullest; gaining knowledge in every area in every way. Each day I aim to be better than I was yesterday