August Spotlight Airman Published July 27, 2016 By 175th Wing Public Affairs Baltimore -- Name: Allison L Fleming Rank: A1C Unit: 175th SFS Job Description: Security Forces Fulltime job: Security Forces Technician Hometown: Baltimore Joined the MDANG: November 2014 Total Service years: 1.5 Family: My parents reside in Howard County and I have a brother in Seattle. I also have a Border collie mix named Riley. Favorite Movie: Pulp Fiction Last book read: Pride & Prejudice Favorite food: Tikka Masala Favorite Sports Team: Ravens Tell us your brief life story? I was born in Baltimore City and grew up in Howard County. After high school, I attended the University of Maryland, College Park and earned a Bachelor of Arts in Criminology and Criminal Justice. After graduating, I went straight to the University of Baltimore, School of Law for my juris doctorate with a focus in criminal law. I worked for the homicide division of Baltimore City State's Attorney Office as a legal clerk and then as a judicial clerk for the Honorable Judge Galloway in Carroll County. I'm currently looking for a civilian job, specifically as a prosecutor. I am currently working as a Federal Technician with Security Forces. Tell us about your military career? I enlisted in the military to help people, serve my community, and to push myself to grow as a person. I went to basic training this past fall and pipelined into the Security Forces Academy this past winter. I knew security forces would be a great fit because it tied into my criminal justice background. Training was delightfully challenging and I love my job here on base. What brought you to the MDANG? How have you enjoyed your time here? I enlisted with the MDANG and have no intention of going anywhere else. I'm a Maryland-girl all the way through. My time here has been wonderful, I attribute that to the incredible people I have met. I've had a blast playing on the co-ed softball team, my supervisors are really fantastic, and my flight members are like family. What is your favorite Air Force or military memory or story? My first time firing at the range with security forces was a great experience. In basic training my rifle backfired and I struggled throughout because I didn't have a lot of experience with guns. Although I had some challenges, the Combat Arms Training and Maintenance team here were fantastic. I had a terrific time at the range; I shot expert with my handgun and I'm sure I'll have it with my rifle next time! What are you passionate about? I love to run! I really, really enjoy food (I like to cook and bake in my free time), so I have to convince myself I love running to burn it all off. I'm currently training for the Marine Corp Marathon this October that raises funds for the Leukemia/Lymphoma Society. I did my first full marathon with Team in Training in 2008 and have participated in three others since. I highly recommend it, they are a wonderful group and it's a very worthy cause.