December Airman Spotlight

  • Published
  • 175th Wing Public Affairs
Name: Andrea Chaves

Rank: Airman 1st Class

Military Job Description: Emergency Management

Full-time Job: Student

Hometown: Baltimore

Joined the MDANG: 2012

Total Service Years: 2

Family: siblings - Nicole Chaves, Orlany Chaves

Favorite Movie: Forrest Gump

Last Book Read: The Glass Castle

Favorite Food: Shrimp

Favorite Sports Team: The Ravens

Tell us your brief life story: I was born in Baltimore City and attended John Ruhrah Elementary School. I moved to Baltimore County at the age of 13 and attended Holabird Middle and Eastern Technical High School. At Eastern Tech, I realized that I loved the medical field through my career major, allied health. I am currently in nursing school at CCBC Essex, and I plan to obtain my bachelor's degree in nursing within the next two years. I began my part-time job at Vaccaro's at age 14 and it has remained my part-time job for the past six years.

Tell us about your military career: I decided to enter the service because I had an older sister in the service that influenced me. I also needed assistance paying for school. Lastly, I joined because I knew that it would benefit myself in all aspects (attitude, work ethic, physically, etc.) I decided to go Air Force because of the benefits. My current AFSC is Emergency Management. We basically prepare for, mitigate, respond and recover from emergencies. The most memorable experience I've had thus far is traveling to Germany with my squadron. We received a great deal of training there and we all had a great time doing it.

What brought you to the MDANG:  My sisters brought me to the MDANG. I have certainly enjoyed my time here. I love the bond that I have with the people in my unit.

What is your favorite Air Force or military memory or story: My proudest moment was graduating from Boot Camp/Tech School. My favorite Air Force story was going to Amsterdam for the first time.

What are you passionate about:  I am passionate about children and nursing. I am working towards getting my bachelor's degree in nursing, and I can already tell that I'm going to want to work in pediatrics. During the summer I volunteer at Mora Crossman Recreation Center's camp. I supervise elementary/middle school students throughout the day and coordinate sports activities.