April Airman Spotlight

  • Published
  • 175th Wing Public Affairs
175th Wing Spotlight

Name: Michael Gemma
Rank: Airman First Class
Unit: 175th Maintenance Squadron
Job Description (no codes): aircraft engine mechanic
Fulltime job: aircraft engine mechanic
Hometown: Bel Air, Maryland
Joined the MDANG: May 19, 2012
Total Service years: 2
Family: father, mother, brother, and sister
Favorite Movie: Gladiator
Last book read: American Sniper
Favorite food:  stove top stuffing
Favorite Sports Team: Baltimore Orioles

Tell us your brief life story?
I was born in Baltimore, Maryland. I briefly lived in White Marsh until the age of eight when I moved to Bel Air. From there I grew up, attended and graduated from Bel Air High School. My first job I worked as a server for an independent living home until I enlisted in the U.S. Air Force and left for basic training and technical school. Upon my return, I worked at Wawa and attended Harford Community College and Towson University. I was recently given the opportunity to work as a full-time aircraft engine mechanic and I plan to take full advantage of the opportunity.

Tell us about your military career?
I joined the MDANG because I have always wanted to serve my country and attend college. The Air Guard provides me with the opportunity to do both things. I work as a mechanic on the A-10 engines and love every minute of it. My most memorable experience in the military thus far was definitely getting off of the bus at Lackland Air Force Base for basic training. It was a surreal experience that I will always remember like it had happened moments ago.

What is your favorite Air Force or military memory or story?
My favorite Air Force story, or even experience, was building the friendships I did while at basic training and technical school. When I left for basic I never expected to create the friendships I ended up molding. Experiencing the endeavors of training and being away from home helped build a bond amongst my fellow Airmen that I never could have imagined.

What are you passionate about?
I am passionate about doing my job to the best of my ability so that I have the opportunity to pass on what I learn in life to the people that come after me whether it is fellow airmen or even my future children.