August Airman Spotlight

  • Published
  • 175th Wing Public Affairs
Name: Kerry Guy
Rank: Tech. Sgt.
Unit: 175th Wing/Mission Support Group
Job Description: Contract Specialist
Fulltime Job: Department of Defense Education Activity, Procurement Analyst
Hometown: Army Brat
Education: Community College of the Air Force degrees in Information Management, Information Systems, and Contracts Management and Strayer University degree in Bachelors of Science in Computer Networking
Joined the MDANG: June 2006
Total Service years: 14 years 9 months
Family: Wife - Tamara, Sons - Emanuel & Isaiah, Daughter - Gabrielle
Favorite Movie: High Fidelity
Last book read: The Tipping Point
Favorite food:  Mom's home cooking
Favorite Sports Team: Ravens

Tell us your brief life story?
I was born in Fayetteville, North Carolina and grew up abroad following my father's Army career with stops in Germany, Arizona, Hawaii, and back to Fayetteville again. After high school I attended Howard University in Washington, District of Columbia. My first and only job prior to joining the military was as a student intern at the U.S. Senate. I left college after my junior year to enlist in the Air Force.

Tell us about your military career?
I joined the Air Force because I wanted to grow professionally, finish my education, and serve in an environment that best fit my growth potential. I've held three Air Force Specialty Codes in my career: Information Management, Communication-Computers Systems Operations, and now Contracting. Contracting has been an enlightening career field because I get a snapshot of how acquisition resources help satisfy mission expectations across the Air Force. My most memorable professional military experience was attending the Non-Commissioned Officer Academy.

What is your favorite Air Force or military memory or story?
My favorite Air Force memory is deploying to Al Dhafra. It helped me define why I serve and understand that people are the most important part of the military.  

What are you passionate about?
I'm passionate about my family, hiking, reading, and photography.