October 2016 Spotlight Airman

  • Published
  • By 175th Wing Public Affairs

Name: Jakob Paul Mollenhauer
Rank: Technical Sergeant 
Unit: 175th Maintenance Squadron
Fulltime job: Electronic Integrated Systems Technician
Hometown: Pasadena, MD
Joined the MDANG: July 2003
Total service years: 13 years
Family: A wife and five children, age ranges from 3 to 11
Favorite movie: Hero (2002)
Last book read: The Four Lenses Unfolded
Favorite food: Sushi, the Avenue Roll from Kobe in White Marsh
Favorite sports team: Baltimore Ravens

Tell us your brief life story?

I was born in San Jose, California. I lived there until I was 15 when my family moved to Maryland.  While in Maryland, I attended Chesapeake Senior High School. I served as a missionary for the LDS church from 2001-2003. In July 2003, I enlisted in the Maryland Air National Guard (MDANG). While attending technical training at Sheppard Air Force Base, I met a beautiful young medical technician recruit named Jamie from the Delaware Air National Guard. Jamie and I started dating when she returned home from technical training. We later married in October 2004. We now have five beautiful children and will be celebrating our twelfth anniversary. Last year, I completed a Bachelor of Science Aeronautics degree from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.

Tell us about your military career?

I enlisted in the MDANG in July 2003 and left for basic training a month later. I completed my technical training the following April. In June of 2004, I was hired as a full-time technician in the A-10 phase inspection section. In 2007, I deployed to Al Asad AB, Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Then in 2012, I deployed to Bagram Air Field, Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. In December 2015, I was selected for a position in the Avionics back shop working on electronic counter-measure pods. In early 2016, I returned to Sheppard AFB to attend technical school for my new specialty. At graduation, I received both Distinguished Graduate and Flight Chiefs Award. I currently serve as one of the Four Lenses training facilitators for the 175th Wing.

What brought you to the MDANG?  How have you enjoyed your time here?

As a child I dreamed of being an astronaut. People told me that astronauts were chosen from Air Force pilots, so I planned to pursue that path when I grew up. Upon returning from my missionary service in 2003, I thought again about becoming an Air Force pilot. However, I had no money for college, so I investigated the Air National Guard. Serving in the ANG has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. To be able to serve my country, my community, and to work on the incredible A-10 aircraft alongside the exceptional men and women of the 175th Wing, has been an honor and a blessing. I have come to believe that we can accomplish any mission if we work together.

What is your favorite Air Force or military memory or story?

The most memorable experience of my career happened in 2005 during an Operational Readiness Exercise. Alarm Red was sounded, so we all ran for the bunker and donned our chemical gear and gas masks. We then spent almost two hours lying on the concrete floor while CMSgt Dennis Jondo (Retired) and MSgt Calvin Venable (now CMSgt Venable) traded jokes and funny stories back and forth. Their conversation was so entertaining that I forgot how uncomfortable I was. Their display of cheerful spirits in a stressful situation left me feeling motivated and ready for the next round.

What are you passionate about?

I enjoy creating, building, repairing things, and spending time with people I care about. I enjoy working on my house and fixing things up to be more comfortable for my family. I enjoy teaching my kids how to use tools and how to build things the right way. I also love computer games, especially ones that require interaction and teamwork.