Duke MOA Low

Welcome to the Duke Military Operating Area (MOA) modification official website.

The Maryland Air National Guard (MDANG) made this website to:

  • Notify the public about our intent
  • Share information with the public about the proposed action and alternatives


what and where is the duke moa low project?

In support of the 175th Wing, the Air Force and the National Guard Bureau (NGB) are proposing to lower the floor of the existing MOA from 8,000ft Mean Sea Level (MSL) to 100ft Above Ground Level (AGL). 

This flight modification would accommodate the training requirements for our A-10 aircrews who must train by simulating all types of weapons delivery and mission sets which can range from 20,000ft MSL to as low as 100ftAGL. 

The current charted Duke MOA is located in North, Central Pennsylvania with a small portion extending past the southern boundary of New York.  


The main purpose of the proposed modification to the Duke Military Operating Area (MOA) is to provide low-altitude airspace to accurately train and prepare for current and future conflicts in an integrated, year-round, and realistic training environment. The modified low-altitude airspace will provide MDANG A-10 pilots the ability to train so they protect American and ally troops on the ground as well as perform search and rescue missions.


The Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) was published for public review from 27 October 2021 through 31 December 2021.  Substantive feedback received during the review of the Draft EA was considered and incorporated into the Draft Final EA. Given the substantial changes to the EA, the Air National Guard (ANG) is re-releasing the Draft Final EA for public review. At this time, we are encouraging agencies and the public to submit comments to the ANG.  The ANG will review all comments received.  The public comment period for the Draft Final EA is scheduled to end on 17 May 2023. 

The links to the Draft Final EA and supporting appendices can be found on this page.

Please provide any written comments on the Draft Final EA to the following email address: ngb.a4.a4a.nepa.comments.org@us.af.mil


proposed duke moa low altitude mitigation map


The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) is our national charter for making informed decisions based upon potential environmental consequences. NEPA requires all federal agencies to take a good-faith, hard look at potential environmental consequences of a proposal before making a decision.